大和堂 Tai Wo Tang X 慧惠 Wai Wai
Tai Wo Tang 大和堂 | 衙前塱道24號地下
首次步入大和堂,是這中醫館將要活化成咖啡店之時,金漆牌匾、實木百子櫃、藥瓶、圓拱門、微斜的木架⋯⋯感覺像回到老香港。已故的老中醫師鍾伯明和長子鍾福利終生行醫濟世,深受街坊愛戴,但願透過活化能將他們的故事留存下去。感謝 Henry Shek @大和堂 的插畫邀請。
Tai Wo Tang | 24 Nga Tsin Long Road
I went to Tai Wo Tang when this historic Chinese medicine center was set to revitalise as a coffee shop. You would feel like returning to the old Hong Kong when you see their golden plaque, solid wood cabinet, medicine bottles, arch door and the slanted shelves. The late Chinese Herbalist Chung Pak Ming and his son Chung Fook Lee had practised Chinese medicine their whole life and were much admired by the kaifongs. Hope their stories will be well told in the revitalisation project.
Thanks Henry Shek for the invitation of the illustration project.