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'Exhibition: Old Businesses in Hong Kong through Eyes of Artists
「仍然記得佢哋嗎? 」


Artspace K, Hong Kong 

03/11/2021 - 06/27/2021


'RememberThem? 'Exhibition: Old Businesses in Hong Kong through Eyes of Artists

「仍然記得佢哋嗎? 」特展:藝術家筆下的香港老行業

Exhibition period and times 展覽日期及時間
11/03/2021 - 06/27/2021 | 11:00 - 19:00 (Closed Mon)

Venue 地點

Artspace K, G105 – 106, The Repulse Bay Arcade, 109 Repulse Bay Road, Hong Kong

香港淺水灣道109號影灣園商場G105-106 K藝術空間


Presented by 主辦
Artspace K 


Economic development in the 1960s to 1970s evolved Hong Kong from a small fishing village to a confluence of Chinese and Western culture, with grocery stores in alleys, rickshaws on the streets, nightlife dance halls and floating restaurants.


Through our “Remember them? — Old Businesses in Hong Kong through Eyes of Artists” Exhibition, four renowned Hong Kong artists from different generations and creative styles — Au Yeung Nai Chim, Shen Ping, Cassian Lau and Wai Wai celebrate the city’s long-forgotten and disappearing businesses from the 1960s and 1970s. Evoking nostalgia with every stroke, their creations of seemingly ordinary and everyday Hong Kong scenes take viewers on a journey through the city’s history and the craftsmen, merchants and shopkeepers who played key roles in its social and economic life. Through this exhibition, the artists build a bridge from past to present, reconnecting people with Hong Kong’s old businesses, allowing their stories to live on.




Participating Artists 參展藝術家
Au Yeung Nai Chim, Shen Ping, Cassian Lau, Wai Wai

© 2024 Wai Wai Studio

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